Vote score:3
SY Firefliesish (The Collection)
Description:Serum, Massive, Vital, Sylenth, Spire. In that order, for the demo at least.
Submitted 2 years agoPlugin:Audio samples
Dry sample
Vote score:2
Yesterday is Today
Description:This is an analog/additive arpeggiated pluck. I worked on making it sound good, almost basic, and then began assigning macros. Because of the macros this patch should fit any genre, from dark synthwave to open ethereal ambience. This is definitely worth playing with, the example provided is a quick noodle over a drum sample.
by Signal Freud
Submitted 2 years agoPlugin:Audio samples
Dry sample
Wet sample
Vote score:4
LD Beneath Deadmau5
Description:It's a recreated lead from Deadmau5's Beneath With Me - use modwheel to open cutoff filter
Submitted 3 years agoAudio samples
Dry sample
Wet sample
Vote score:3
Producer Presets Vol 1 Samples
Description:No dedicated place for samples but here is 61 drum one shots to use with my Producer Presets Vol 1.
Submitted 3 years agoPlugin:Audio samples
Dry sample
Vote score:2
Category:Amps & Stompboxes
Blues 2
Description:My take on a blues setup. Three scenes, from a soft bluesy sound to a fuzzy one (maybe a bit too much). I use it on a Les Paul with humbuckers (SD JB & Jazz) The jazz on the neck sounds pretty good to my ears when in single coil mode and playing with the volume of the pickup to clean the sound a bit. Made with TH-U full with no additional models.
by MiOiM
Submitted 3 years agoPlugin:Vote score:2
SparkPackers / Synthwave / PD Faded Jeans
Description:Gorgeous synthwave preset created by SparkPackers. Posted with permission from Michael at SparkPackers. Check out the full set here:
Submitted 3 years agoAudio samples
Wet sample
Vote score:3
Description:Nice in the background over some pads .....driving rhythm ....EQ to taste
by Jamie Page
Submitted 4 years agoPlugin:Vote score:4
Plugin:Vote score:7
Small Speaker Simulator
Description:If you don't have a set of small crappy speakers to listen to your mix on, drop this on the main stereo bus to get an approximation of what your mix sounds like on poor quality speakers. Getting your mix sounding good through this is a superpower. It combines steep high pass and low pass filters to only let about 200Hz to 4kHz or so through.
Submitted 4 years agoPlugin:Audio samples
Dry sample
Wet sample
Vote score:9
Lo Fi Vocal
Description:Adds some grit and dirt to a vocal (or other) track, as well as squashes the frequency range to give it an old-time radio vibe.
Submitted 4 years agoPlugin:Audio samples
Dry sample
Wet sample
Showing 1 to 10 of 33 results