Producer Presets

Michael Bester Verified producer

360 points
  1. Vote score:7


    Small Speaker Simulator

    Description:If you don't have a set of small crappy speakers to listen to your mix on, drop this on the main stereo bus to get an approximation of what your mix sounds like on poor quality speakers. Getting your mix sounding good through this is a superpower. It combines steep high pass and low pass filters to only let about 200Hz to 4kHz or so through.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Bester

    Audio samples

    • Dry sample
    • Wet sample
  2. Vote score:9


    Lo Fi Vocal

    Description:Adds some grit and dirt to a vocal (or other) track, as well as squashes the frequency range to give it an old-time radio vibe.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Bester

    Audio samples

    • Dry sample
    • Wet sample
