Producer Presets

Michael Witwicki Verified producer

1,705 points
  1. Vote score:5

    Category:Preamps & Channel Strips

    Neve 1073 Kick Starter for UAD Spark

    Description:A decent starting point to begin livening up that kick with the Neve 1073 Preamp and EQ.

    Submitted 1 year ago by Michael Witwicki

    Audio samples

    • Dry sample
    • Wet sample


  2. Vote score:1


    SparkPackers / Synthwave / PD Afterglow

    Description:Gorgeous synthwave preset created by SparkPackers. Posted with permission from Michael at SparkPackers. Check out the full set here:

    Submitted 3 years ago by Michael Witwicki

    Audio samples

    • Wet sample


  3. Vote score:2


    SparkPackers / Synthwave / PD Faded Jeans

    Description:Gorgeous synthwave preset created by SparkPackers. Posted with permission from Michael at SparkPackers. Check out the full set here:

    Submitted 3 years ago by Michael Witwicki

    Audio samples

    • Wet sample


  4. Vote score:2

    Category:Effects / Harmonic

    Steve Levine / 60s Soul / Strings

    Description:From the fantastic article on the Universal Audio blog called "Capturing '60s Soul With UAD Plug-Ins", this EMT 140 reverb preset sounds fantastic. Check out the full article with sound samples here:

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki


  5. Vote score:1

    Category:Effects / Harmonic

    Steve Levine / 60s Soul / Lead Vocal

    Description:From the fantastic article on the Universal Audio blog called "Capturing '60s Soul With UAD Plug-Ins", this EMT 140 reverb preset sounds fantastic. To quote Steve Levine from the article, "The lead vocals were the most impressive — adding reverb from the EMT 140 to the Studer A800 plug-in really brought out the growl on the lead vocalist’s voice — very LEVI STUBBS!" Check out the full article with sound samples here:

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki


  6. Vote score:1

    Category:Preamps & Channel Strips

    Steve Levine / 60s Soul / String EQ

    Description:From the fantastic article on the Universal Audio blog called "Capturing '60s Soul With UAD Plug-Ins", this EMT 140 reverb preset sounds fantastic. Check out the full article with sound samples here:

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki


  7. Vote score:1


    Steve Levine / 60s Soul / Strings & Background Vocals

    Description:From the fantastic article on the Universal Audio blog called "Capturing '60s Soul With UAD Plug-Ins", this EMT 140 reverb preset sounds fantastic. Check out the full article with sound samples here:

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki


  8. Vote score:1


    Steve Levine / 60s Soul / String & Vocals

    Description:From the fantastic article on the Universal Audio blog called "Capturing '60s Soul With UAD Plug-Ins", this EMT 140 reverb preset sounds fantastic. To quote Steve Levine from the article, "Toe Rag has a real vintage EMT 140 Plate Reverb, so I managed to emulate the settings for my EMT® 140 Classic Plate Reverberator Plug-In. This helped the string players and the vocalists get the vibe." Check out the full article with sound samples here:

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki


  9. Vote score:2

    Category:Amps & Stompboxes

    Humbucker Rhythm / Little Teeth

    Description:A very slightly driven rhythm sound for humbuckers. Samples played on a '74 Gibson SG with a little BX-20 reverb.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

    Audio samples

    • Dry sample
    • Wet sample


  10. Vote score:3


    Menno Meijer / Keys / Wurly

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Arturia Mini V plugin. It was created by Menno Meijer and is categorized as a Keys.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki