Featured Producer: Anima Studios
Posted 1 year ago by Michael Witwicki
With nearly 200 presets uploaded, we'd like to take a moment to recognize producer Anima Studios.
Featured Producers
When we started Producer Presets, our goal was not only to become a place to find presets - but to also become a platform where the producers creating these presets could be recognized for their hard work. This is the second in our features highlighting the artists behind the work.
About Anima Studios
Evan, also known as Anima Studios, is a 29 year old producer from the UK focusing on creating beats, presets, sample packs and original productions. You can check out more of their work at animastudios.uk.
With nearly 200 presets uploaded to Producer Presets for over 30 plugins including Serum, Vital, Massive and Cthulhu Anima Studios is currently dominating the Leaderboard.
Conversation with Anima Studios
Tell us about your setup, what software/hardware do you use in your production?
As for software, where do I start?
xFer Serum, LennarDigital Sylenth1, RevealSound Spire, Slate Digital All Access Pass, Antares Auto-Tune Pro, Fabfilter's Pro-Q3, Pro-L, Pro-G, Saturn, Kickstart 2, IHNY, Output's Arcade & Thermal, Waves H-Delay, Soundshifter Pitch, Bass Rider, R-Bass, Vocal Rider, Izotope's Nectar 3, Ozone 10, there are so many I use on a daily basis.
What is one plugin you couldn’t live without and why?
xFer Serum, the versatility of it is unmatched by any other synth, don't get me wrong, Vital is good, but it's no Serum.
Do you have a favorite preset you have uploaded to Producer Presets? Tell us about your process for creating it and why you created it.
Probably the 808 for Jup-8 V, I have never seen anyone else make an 808 bass from it (they might have, I have no idea) and I had a lot of fun just trying to get it to sound like it fit in the trap vibe, will probably make some more soon.
Who is your favorite producer?
From a production view, Illenium, I love his music, always gives me ideas for my own productions, however from an ability with the DAW perspective, there is no one who rivals Virtual Riot.
Is there a plugin or plugin company that you want to see added to Producer Presets?
It'd be fun to be able to provide a lot of my Logic presets & channel strips, so I'd say Apple Logic Pro X.
How Do I Become a Featured Producer?
Share your presets, it’s that simple. We will reach out active contributors and do our best to get you the recognition you deserve.
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