Producer Presets

Featured Producer: Signal Freud

Posted 2 years ago by Michael Witwicki

For the first in our series of Featured Producers, we'll learn a little more about Pigments and PG-8X 2.0 preset creator Signal Freud.

Featured Producers

When we started Producer Presets, our goal was not only to become a place to find presets - but to also become a platform where the producers creating these presets could be recognized for their hard work. This is the first of hopefully many features highlighting the artists behind the work.

About Signal Freud

Signal Freud has been uploading presets for Arturia’s Pigments and the PG-8X 2.0 over the last six months. You can find all their presets here. Their new EP Don’t Worry About The World Going Bye was released last week.

In addition to writing music and sharing presets, Signal also creates Bitwig tutorials.

Conversation with Signal Freud

Tell us about your setup, what software/hardware do you use in your production?

I have a fairly simple setup, usually I just use my laptop to compose but I also have a Casio WK-3000. I can walk away from that with some basic motifs. Bitwig is my DAW of choice, it is wonderful, but I am also a huge proponent of external hardware. I like guitar pedals. If a stompbox can take a bass input you are probably good to run it through a synth. We all know Boss devices, but EHX is my favorite. The Tone Corset compressor is incredibly versatile, less than 100 bucks, and these things are made to be stepped on. I got it for Math Rock and usually run it before a Boss BD-2 when I play guitar. Its perfect for synths though, all you have to do is use your audio interface to create an FX loop. I have a Launchkey Mini2 for rotary control and the pedal knobs are so much more fun to turn.

What is one plugin you couldn’t live without and why?

KHSDistortion is my replacement for Ableton’s saturator and it doesn’t disappoint. I need an easy to use sinefold distortion or my processes fall apart.

Do you have a favorite preset you have uploaded to Producer Presets? Tell us about your process for creating it and why you created it.

Synth Punk was really fun, I made that in an hour before going to work and that’s why there are no macros. I looked at the bass recently and I did some stupid stuff with the multi-band compressor but I don’t hate it. It has been so long though I can’t really describe my process from a technical perspective. The technical is very important to me but that’s not where my ideas take place. I usually try to put my sounds into a cultural location per se, my technical knowledge just helps me navigate the sound space without getting lost. I think this is one way to communicate vibe. I don’t know how to answer why I created it.

There are patches that have a why though, like Ambient Bass, where I say “I want to experiment with the random modulator,” and maybe I get something good. I feel like those ones lack individuality but are obviously more technical when you open them up.

Who is your favorite producer?

Calvin Johnson’s work with Modest Mouse on The Lonesome Crowded West changed the way I listen to music when I was in highschool. His project Dub Narcotic Sound System is worth checking out as well. I wouldn’t say I have a favorite producer beyond that, I don’t have much of a relationship with the term beyond SEO. Yvette Young and Isaac Brock both did a lot for my tones though.

Is there a plugin or plugin company that you want to see added to Producer Presets?

Bitwig would be neat, but I am surprised to see Cherry Audio isn’t up yet. They have been rolling a lot of stuff out recently and deserve the attention.

How Do I Become a Featured Producer?

Share your presets, it’s that simple. We will reach out active contributors and do our best to get you the recognition you deserve.

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