Total points: 1,405
LeaderboardUploaded presetTRILL SPACE for Serum by Xfer Records
This was worth100 points, and it happened on3 years ago
Uploaded presetBUILDUP OR BREAKDOWN for Serum by Xfer Records
This was worth100 points, and it happened on3 years ago
Uploaded presetLate Night for Serum by Xfer Records
This was worth100 points, and it happened on3 years ago
Uploaded preset2 Octave track for Serum by Xfer Records
This was worth100 points, and it happened on3 years ago
Uploaded presetJazz Studio for Zebra2 by u-he
This was worth100 points, and it happened on3 years ago
Uploaded presetHANDSOME JACK for Bazille by u-he
This was worth100 points, and it happened on4 years ago
Uploaded presetKnuckle Ride for Bazille by u-he
This was worth100 points, and it happened on4 years ago
Uploaded presetGet to the chopper for Bazille by u-he
This was worth100 points, and it happened on4 years ago
Uploaded presetSCREECH BASS for Bazille by u-he
This was worth100 points, and it happened on4 years ago
Commented on preset DRILL for Serum by Xfer Records
This was worth5 points, and it happened on4 years ago
Uploaded presetGROWL BASS for Serum by Xfer Records
This was worth100 points, and it happened on4 years ago
Uploaded presetDRILL for Serum by Xfer Records
This was worth100 points, and it happened on4 years ago
Uploaded presetDRIVE for Serum by Xfer Records
This was worth100 points, and it happened on4 years ago
How to earn points
Upload a preset | 100 points |
Upload an avatar to your profile for the first time | 50 points |
Upload a banner to your profile for the first time | 50 points |
Add an audio sample to a preset | 25 points |
Add a screenshot to a preset | 10 points |
Comment on a preset | 5 points |
Vote on a preset | 1 point |