Total points: 256
LeaderboardCommented on preset BASS - Ravers for Diva by u-he
This was worth5 points, and it happened on3 years ago
Uploaded presetAnalog Pad / sustained synth for Serum by Xfer Records
This was worth100 points, and it happened on4 years ago
Added an audio sample to preset Analog Pad / sustained synth for Serum by Xfer Records
This was worth25 points, and it happened on4 years ago
Uploaded image for preset Analog Pad / sustained synth for Serum by Xfer Records
This was worth10 points, and it happened on4 years ago
Commented on preset Pluck'n'Saw for Vital by Vital
This was worth5 points, and it happened on4 years ago
Voted on preset Pluck'n'Saw for Vital by Vital
This was worth1 points, and it happened on4 years ago
Uploaded presetDub techno pluck for Serum by Xfer Records
This was worth100 points, and it happened on4 years ago
Uploaded image for preset Dub techno pluck for Serum by Xfer Records
This was worth10 points, and it happened on4 years ago
How to earn points
Upload a preset | 100 points |
Upload an avatar to your profile for the first time | 50 points |
Upload a banner to your profile for the first time | 50 points |
Add an audio sample to a preset | 25 points |
Add a screenshot to a preset | 10 points |
Comment on a preset | 5 points |
Vote on a preset | 1 point |