Producer Presets

  1. Vote score:4



    Description:Distortion effect, apply on bass.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Damien Hantraye

  2. Vote score:1


    Tasmodia / Bass / Holmes

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Arturia Mini V plugin. It was created by Tasmodia and is categorized as a Bass.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  3. Vote score:1


    Tasmodia / Bass / Drainpipe

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Arturia Mini V plugin. It was created by Tasmodia and is categorized as a Bass.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  4. Vote score:1


    Tasmodia / Bass / Cutter

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Arturia Mini V plugin. It was created by Tasmodia and is categorized as a Bass.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  5. Vote score:1


    Tasmodia / Bass / Bully

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Arturia Mini V plugin. It was created by Tasmodia and is categorized as a Bass.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  6. Vote score:1


    Matrix12 / Bass / V Bass

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Arturia Matrix-12 V plugin. It was created by Matrix12 and is categorized as a Bass.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  7. Vote score:1


    Matrix12 / Bass / M Lylemays

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Arturia Matrix-12 V plugin. It was created by Matrix12 and is categorized as a Bass.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  8. Vote score:1


    Matrix12 / Bass / Fm Slap

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Arturia Matrix-12 V plugin. It was created by Matrix12 and is categorized as a Bass.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  9. Vote score:1


    Matrix12 / Bass / Env Bass

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Arturia Matrix-12 V plugin. It was created by Matrix12 and is categorized as a Bass.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  10. Vote score:1


    Tasmodia / Bass / Wilde Bass

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Arturia Jup-8 V plugin. It was created by Tasmodia and is categorized as a Bass.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki