Producer Presets

  1. Vote score:8


    Dub techno pluck

    Description:Very delayed and washed out pluck sounds. Ideal for creating ambiance

    Submitted 4 years ago by Antoine


  2. Vote score:1


    Christian Laffitte / Standard / Reggae

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Arturia B-3 V plugin. It was created by Christian Laffitte and is categorized as a Standard.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  3. Vote score:1


    Long Dubby

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Soundtoys Little PrimalTap plugin.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  4. Vote score:1


    Rhythmic / Ubby Dubby Step

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Soundtoys FilterFreak 2 plugin.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  5. Vote score:1


    Drums / Scrub-a-Dub

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Soundtoys EchoBoy plugin.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  6. Vote score:1


    Steve Levine / Reggae Piano

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Universal Audio Pultec EQP-1A Passive EQ plugin.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  7. Vote score:1


    Steve Levine / Sub Bass Dub Loop

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Universal Audio Pultec EQP-1A Passive EQ plugin.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  8. Vote score:1


    Steve Levine / Reggae Hat

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Universal Audio Pultec EQP-1A Passive EQ plugin.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  9. Vote score:1


    Steve Levine / Reggae Bass

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Universal Audio Pultec EQP-1A Passive EQ plugin.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  10. Vote score:1



    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Universal Audio Manley® Massive Passive Mastering EQ plugin.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki