Producer Presets

  1. Vote score:5


    Chiptune Pluck

    Description:The name is pretty self-explanatory

    Submitted 4 years ago by MMCreator

    Audio samples

    • Dry sample
  2. Vote score:1


    Jean Michel Blanchet / Lead / The 80s

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Arturia Mini V plugin. It was created by Jean Michel Blanchet and is categorized as a Lead.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  3. Vote score:1


    Jean-Michel Blanchet / Percussion / 80s Drums Kit

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Arturia CMI V plugin. It was created by Jean-Michel Blanchet and is categorized as a Percussion.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  4. Vote score:1


    Jean Michel Blanchet / Pad / 80s Pad

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Arturia ARP2600 V plugin. It was created by Jean Michel Blanchet and is categorized as a Pad.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  5. Vote score:1


    Drums / 80sSnareSlap

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Soundtoys EchoBoy plugin.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  6. Vote score:1


    Drums / 80s Drum Sound

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Soundtoys Crystallizer plugin.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  7. Vote score:1


    Joe Chiccarelli / 80s Vocal Spreader

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Universal Audio Studio D Chorus plugin.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  8. Vote score:1


    Joe Chiccarelli / 80s Vocal Chorus

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Universal Audio Studio D Chorus plugin.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  9. Vote score:1


    Joe Chiccarelli / 80s Vocal Dimension

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Universal Audio Studio D Chorus plugin.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki

  10. Vote score:1

    Category:Preamps & Channel Strips

    Jimmy Douglass / 80s Guitar Mud Removal

    Description:This is one of the default presets shipped with the Universal Audio Neve® 1084 Preamp & EQ plugin.

    Submitted 4 years ago by Michael Witwicki